Please click a question below to view the answer:
Where can I go for Fulfill distributions?
You may view the calendar online or pick up a calendar at a distribution for all locations, dates & times — or call 2-1-1.
What are the distribution times?
Times vary at each site; please refer to the calendar or site schedule for specific times. If you arrive at a distribution after we have ended, you will not be able to receive food.
How often are Fulfill's distributions?
Each site has different schedule, but recurrent distributions are usually once a month at each site.
What do I need to bring to the distribution each month?
Mobile distributions do not require ID. Only requirement is to complete the sign in sheet.
How often do I need to recertify for this program?
Once each year.
How do I know when I need to recertify?
Fill out a self-declared income form to verify eligibility.
What if I am not able to attend a Fulfill distribution?
If you are unable to go to a specific site you can go to any other mobile distribution.
Can somebody else pick up food for me?
Recipients must be present to sign and pick up their own food.
What are the rules for waiting in line?
Please be considerate of others around you and do not cut in line. Keep in mind is first come first serve. Participants unable to stand in line may have a person stand in line for them. They may also notify a food bank staff member, to avoid misunderstandings.
What do I do if there are items that I do not want?
Each distribution offers variety of items. If there is something you do not want to receive you can decline that particular item but we cannot replace that item with something else.
Can I sell items that I do not want to eat?
Selling any food received at mobile pantries is not allowed. If caught selling food, you will be suspended for 1 year.
Will there be someone to help me carry my box to my car?
If staffing allows, we will try our best to help you.
When does the food bank have the right to refuse service?
If a participant is:
- Harassing fellow participants in line
- Harassing food bank staff
- Participants who cut in line
- Participants who are under the influence of alcohol and or drugs
- Participants who have been seen selling program food
I have additional questions. Whom can I call?
Contact the food bank at 239-344-7007.