Your Gift Provides Hope and Nourishment

Your Gift Provides Hope and Nourishment 780 500 Harry Chapin Food Bank

Imagine a child sitting in a classroom, their stomach growling—focusing more on their next meal than on the lesson at hand.

This is a heartbreaking reality for too many children in our community, but together, we can change that. Harry Chapin Food Bank is committed to providing food for those in need across Southwest Florida. As children head back to school this fall, the need for food is more urgent than ever. High grocery prices, reduced federal food assistance, and skyrocketing rents are pushing families to the brink.

In Southwest Florida alone, over 40,000 children are struggling to access the nutritious meals they need to thrive. This isn’t just a statistic; it represents young dreams that could be stifled by hunger.

Your gift can make a direct impact. Our In-School Pantry Program has expanded from 10 schools to nearly 40, bringing food directly to children where they feel safe and supported. But there’s still so much more to do.

Will you stand with us?

Your gift today—whether it’s $25, $50, or any amount you can give—will ensure that no child goes hungry and can focus on learning, not their next meal. Your generosity can help fill our school pantries, empowering children to reach their full potential.

Please help make this school year brighter for the children who need us most.

Click here to make a gift now. Together, we can provide not just meals, but hope.

Thank you for your compassion and support.