Turkey Cranberry Sliders
Thank you for sharing our belief that food is love and for helping fight hunger. If you are in need of food, click here.…
read moreThis holiday, many families in our community are struggling to put food on the table. You can help make their Thanksgiving special. Every $100 you give provides 200 healthy meals!
Harry Chapin Food Bank feeds a quarter of a million people each month in our five-county footprint. We serve Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee counties. Here are three ways you can help us lead our community in the fight to end hunger.
Thank you for sharing our belief that food is love and for helping fight hunger. If you are in need of food, click here.…
read moreThanksgiving is just around the corner. What does it look like for you? Does your family gather around the table, sharing their lives, their ups…
read moreAt Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida, we are proud to lead the fight against hunger with the help of our generous partners and…
read moreUSDA Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email: program.intake@usda.gov.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.